Haryana Day Celebration(Grade III-V)
तरक्की की है राह पे चल रहा, मेरा प्रदेश न्यारा, शिक्षा का है विकास यहां पे, है नंबर वन हरियाणा ! Haryana was established on November 1, 1966, and we celebrate Haryana Day on this day. Haryana is a state which lies in the northern region of India although Haryana is not a very large state in the country but holds a lot of significance for the nation. It is a state which is rich in agriculture, industries and is best known for producing the best athletes for the country especially in the field of wrestling and boxing. RPSIS-89 planned Haryana Day activity for classes I-V. Children wrote about any one or two specific important features of Haryana with respect to the following: 1. Divisions 2. Rivers 3. Cuisines 4. Language 5. Dresses Children participated well and the best ones was displayed on the boards .