Special Assembly Kindergarten Wing

 The Festival illuminates the Earth as well as the Skies and brings joy to abound in this world. It is a festival when the whole of India transcends into a land of myriad lamps. Deepavali, the Festival of Lights has all the charm, grandeur and splendour that can even illuminate our minds and hearts while also promoting the much-needed peace, harmony and brotherhood in the society. It is a festival that unifies every religion, every home and every heart.

Diwali's essence lies in the sloka, 'Tamaso ma jyotirgamaya' which means “ Lead me from darkness to light.” Similarly, we have to light the lamp of happiness, the lamp of prosperity and the lamp of knowledge to dispel sorrow, poverty as well as disease.

To celebrate the spirituality of the festival students for LKG Begonia conducted the assembly. They dressed up as the different characters of Ramayana. They danced beautifully. It was mesmerising to see them performing wonderfully.


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