Children's Day Celebration (Grade I-II)

 "Children are the best creation of God, they spread joy in every season." The one thing which god has made with a pure soul are the children. They are the ones who have a heart of gold and they find happiness in everything. In India, Children's day is celebrated on 14th November every year. Children always feel themselves as they are the king and queen of their life as they are always happy and they spread joy. In the school, Children's day celebration was organised, where different things were been planned for them to have a fun filled day. Also, to make the students get the feeling of King and Queen, a Crown Making Activity was been organised for the students of GRADE 1&2. In which with the help of their teachers, all of them made beautiful crowns for themselves. Everyone was so happy and delightful. After wearing them, they were actually looking like king and queen. The students even danced on their favourite songs with their friends and even posed for the photos. We could see the spark on their faces as they all were smiling and dancing. A musical chair game was also organised, where the students had to walk around the chair while the music was going on and they had to sit on the chair when music stops. This game all the students enjoyed and all of them were dancing while walking around the chairs. All the students had a fun day at school and they all enjoyed their special day to the fullest.


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