RED COLOUR DAY (Kindergarten Wing Activity)

 " The colour of love and smiles that illuminates the air with energy , vigour and exuberance...….."

Red, the colour of blood and fire, is associated with meanings of love, sensitivity, joy, strength, leadership and determination. It symbolizes action, confidence and courage. To celebrate the colour "RED COLOUR DAY" was organized on 27th April,2022.

The tiny tots along with their teachers looked stunning in their red outfits. The shades of red made the kids feel bright, lively and cheerful. The day started off with the colour red everywhere. students were explained the significance and objects that are in red colour such as apples, cherries, strawberries, watermelon, roses, heart, ladybug etc. To enhance their learning, kids were engaged in various activities such as tearing and pasting, thumb printing and colouring.

The Red Day Celebration was a fun, wonderful and everlasting learning experience for the kids.


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