Group Addition Activity Pre Primary

 Math Fun Make a Group of Five– Group Addition Activity

The objective of this activity_* is to engage our students make various combinations through their fingers to make a sum of 5 in an interactive learning experience to reinforce addition skills using their fingers.

Explore the magic of math with a hands-on addition activity! Students joined this session with full enthusiasm to discover the sum of 5 using their fingers. It's a fun and interactive way to boost their math skills while keeping things simple and enjoyable. Let those fingers do the talking and unlock the world of numbers!
Summarized the key learnings from this activity towards the end of the session. Emphasized the importance of addition and the visual representation of the numbers through finger counting._

This activity not only reinforces addition skills but also promotes teamwork, collaboration (between teacher and student), communication, and a hands-on approach to mathematical concepts.

Students enjoyed a lot and participated with full attention throughout the session.


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